Aristo Vojdani |
Aristo Vojdani, Ph.D., M.Sc., M.T.
CURRICULUM VITAE Aristo Vojdani, Ph.D., M.Sc., M.T. DATE OF BIRTH October 28, 1944 CITIZENSHIP United States of America MARITAL STATUS Married plus three children PHONE NUMBERS Work (310) 657-1077 Fax (310) 657-1053 E-mail: EDUCATION 1972-1976 Bar Ilan University, Israel, Ph.D. Immunology & Microbiology 1970-1972 Bar Ilan University, Israel, M.Sc. Major: Microbiology Minor: Immunology 1966-1970 Bar Ilan University, Israel, B.S. Major: Microbiology Minor: Biochemistry POSTDOCTORAL TRAINING 1979-1981 Comparative Immunology Research at University of California, Los Angeles 1977-1978 Cellular Immunology Research at Tel Aviv University Medical Center, Assaf Harofe Hospital ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2002-Present Assistant Research Neurobiologist Department of Neurobiology David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA 1993 Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Compton, California 1982-1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Compton, California 1981-1982 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery Harbor/UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California. RESEARCH AND EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1988-Present Founder, CEO and Vice President of Research and Development at Immunosciences Lab., Inc., Beverly Hills, California Research Topics: 1. Development of Novel Techniques for the Diagnosis of Immune Disorders. 2. The Role of Infectious Agents, Xenobiotics and Dietary Proteins in Neuroimmune Disorders. 1986-1988 Vice President, Research and Development at Allergy Immunotechnologies, Newport Beach, California. Research Topics: 1. Pancreatic Islet Cell Destruction by Cytotoxic Lymphocytes. 2. Chemical Induced Autoimmune Diseases. 3. Sensitive ELISA Assay for Helicobacter pylori 1984-1986 Director of Research and Development at Advanced Allergy Research Center, Los Angeles, California. Research: Development of new Enzyme Immunoassays for Measurements of Type I, Type II, Type III and Type IV Allergies. 1982-1984 Pathology Department, Charles Drew Postgraduate Medical School, Compton, California. Teaching: Immunology workshops for MARC and MBRS students. Research: Effects of Environmental Chemicals on Cell Mediated Immune Function. 1981-1982 Surgery Department Harbor/UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California. Teaching: Microbiology for 2nd year of Medical School. Research: 1. Purification and Isolation of Histaminocytes from Rat Gastric Mucosa. 2. Mitogenic Activity of Earthworm Coelomic Fluid. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP American Association of Immunologists American Association for Advancement of Science Society of Toxicology California Association for Medical Laboratory Technology International Society for Preventive Oncology Member of Editorial Boards of Peer-Reviewed Journals: 1993-Present Journal of Toxicology and Industrial Health 1995-Present Journal of Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology 2003-Present European Journal of Inflammation 2003-Present Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) PUBLICATIONS 1. Avtalion R.R., Ziegler R., Pearl M., Wojdani A., Sompolinsky D., Depressed resistance to tetracycline. Staphylococcus aureus Microbios 3:165-180, 1971. 2. Avtalion R., Wojdani A., Electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis of sera from FI hybrids of Tilapia. Bamidegh, Bull. Fish Cult. Isr. 28:17-24, 1971. 3. Sompolinsky D., Wojdani A., Avtalion R., The molecular basis of tetracycline resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. In: Bacterial Plasmid and Infections Resistance (1st Int. Sym. Infect., Antibiotic Resistance, Smolenic, Czechoslovakia (1971), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 417-423, 1972. 4. Avtalion R., Wojdani A., Duchyminer M., Antibody formation in carp (Cyprinus carpio), temperature effects and mechanisms. In: Phylogenic and Ontogenic-Studies of the Immune Response and its Contribution to the Immunological Theory. Insrm Edition, Paris, p.75-89, 1972. 5. Avtalion R., Gorlin A., Gutwirth E., Wojdani A., Determination of blood volume in fish: A new method. Bamidegh, Bull Fish Cult. Isr. 26:16-20, 1973. 6. Avtalion R., Malik Z., Wojdani A., Shahrabani R., Duchyminer M., Influence of environmental temperature on the immune response in fish. Curr. Top. Immunol. 61:1-35, 1973. 7. Avtalion R., Wojdani A., Pruginin V., Rothbard S., Determination of allogenic in the genus of Tilapia. Identification of sex and hybrid by electrophoretic analysis of serum proteins. Aquaculture 7:225-232, 1976. 8. Wojdani A., Avtalion R., Sompolinsky D., The isolation of characterization of tetracycline resistant proteins from Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Antimicrobial Agents Chemother. 9:526-534, 1976. 9. Sompolinsky D., Wojdani A., Hammerman Il, Tetracycline resistant antigen from Staphylococcus aureus. Fems Microbiol Lett. 4:23-26, 1978. 10. Cooper E.L., Stein E., Wojdani A., Lemmi C.A., and Tochinai S., Induction of earthworm Antierythrocyte agglutinins. In: Aspects of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 1, pp, 17-22, J.B. Solomon (ed.), Pergamon Press, 1981. 11. Cooper E.L., Stein E., Tochinai S., Wojdani A., and Lemmi G.A., Earthworm immunity and aging, In: Workshop on the Role of Earthworms in the Stabilization of Organic Residues. Appelhof (compiler) Beach-Leaf Press of Kalamazoo Nature Center, Proc. Vol. 1, pp. 49-57, 1981. 12. Wojdani A., and Cooper E.L., Aging temperature and antibody synthesis, In: Developmental Immunology Clinical Problem and Aging, 25, pp. 277-289, E.L. Cooper and M.A.B. Barzier (eds.) Academic Press, 1981. 13. Stein E., Wojdani A., Cooper E.L., Agglutinins in the earthworms Lumbricus terrestris: naturally occurring and induced. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 6:407-421,1982. 14. Wojdani A., Stein D., Lemmi C.A., Cooper E.L., Agglutinins and proteins in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris before and after injection of erythrocytes, carbohydrates and other materials. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 6:613-634, 1982. 15. Alfred L., Wojdani A., Effects of methylcholanthrene and benz (a)-anthracene on blastogenesis and arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase induction in splenic lymphocytes from three inbred strains of mice. Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 5:123-129, 1983. 16. Wojdani A., Alfred L., In vitro effects of certain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on mitogen activation of mouse lymphocytes: action of Histamine. Cell. Immunol. 77:132-142, 1983. 17. Alfred L., Wojdani A., Nieto M., Perez R., Yoshida G., A chemical carcinogen, 3-methylcholanthrene alters T-cell function and induces T-suppressor cells in a mouse model. Immunol. 50:207-213, 1983. 18. Cooper E.L., Stein E.A. and Wojdani A., Recognition receptors in annelids. In: Recognition Proteins, Receptors and Probes Invertebrates, E. Cohen, (ed.) Alan Liss, New York, pp. 43-54, 1984. 19. Wojdani A., Alfred L., Alteration of cell-mediated immune functions induced in mouse splenic lymphocyte by polycyclic achromatic hydrocarbon. Cancer Research 44:942-495, 1984. 20. Wojdani A., Stein E., Alfred L., Cooper E.L., Mitogenic effect of earthworm Lumbricus terrestris coelomic fluid on mouse and human lymphocyte. Immunobiol. 166:157-167, 1984. 21. Wojdani A., Alfred L., Immunotoxicity effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on mouse lymphocytes. Toxicol. 31:181-189, 1984. 22. Alfred L.J., Ghoneum M.H., Wojdani A., Shacks S.S., Alteration in NK activity and T-cell subsets during the development of chemically induced tumors: role of biological response modifiers. Immunobiol. 176:130, 1984. 23. Wojdani A., Etessami S., Cheung G., IgG is not the only inhibitor if IgE in the RAST test. Ann. Allergy 55:463-468, 1985. 24. Lemmi C.A., Wojdani A., Adomian G.E., Lechago, Descanino G., Ownens-Narhi L., Two biochemically distinct populations of histaminocytes separated by isokinetic sedimentation of dispersed rat gastric cells. Agents and Actions 16:323-334, 1985. 25. Wojdani A., Ghoneum M., Cheung G.; Measurement of humoral and cellular immunity for the diagnosis of Candidiasis. Clin. Ecol. 3: 201-207, 1986. 26. Ghoneum M., Wojdani A., Payne C., Suppression of basal and Corynebacterium parvum augmented natural killer activity during chemically induced tumor development, Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 9:71-78, 1987. 27. Wojdani A., Ghoneum M., In vivo augmentation of natural killer cell activity by Candida albicans. Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 9:827-832, 1987. 28. Ghoneum M., Wojdani A., Alfred L., Effect of methylcholanthrene on human natural killer cytotoxicity and lymphokine production in vitro. Immunopharmacol. 14:27-33, 1987. 29. Wojdani A., Thrasher J., Cheung G.P., and Heuser G., Evidence for formaldehyde antibodies and altered cellular immunity in subjects exposed to formaldehyde in mobile homes. Arch. of Environ. Health 42:347-351, 1987. 30. Ghoneum M., Vojdani A., Suzuki K, Gill G., Phagocytic natural killer cells. Int. J. Immunopathol. and Pharmacol. 5:157-160, 1992. 31. Vojdani A., Ghoneum M., Brautbar N., Immune alteration associated with exposure to toxic chemical. Toxicology and Industrial Health 8:231-246, 1992. 32. Heuser G., Wojdani A., Heuser S., Diagnostic markers of multiple chemical sensitivity. In: Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Addendum to Biologic Markers in Immunotoxicology. National Academy Press, Washington D.C., pp. 117-138, 1992. 33. Heuser G., Heuser S., Rahimian P. and Vojdani A., Candida albicans and migraine headache; A Possible Link. J. of Adv. in Med. 5:177-187, 1992. 34. Brautbar N., Vojdani A., Silicone implants and systemic immunological disease: review of the literature and preliminary results. Toxicol. Indust. Health 8:231-238, 1992. 35. Brautbar N., Vojdani A., Campbell A.W., "Multiple chemical sensitivities: facts or myth. Toxicol. Indust. Health Vol 8, pp. v-viii, 1992. 36. Vojdani A., Campbell A., Immune functional abnormalities in patients with clinical abnormalities and silicone breast implants. Toxicol. Indust. Health 8:415-430, 1992. 37. Vojdani A., Ghoneum M., In vivo effect of ascorbic acid on enhancement of human natural killer cell activity. Nutrit. Res. 13:753-764, 1993. 38. Brautbar N., Vojdani, A., Campbell, A., Silicone breast implants and autoimmunity: causation or myth? Arch. of Environ. Health 49:151-153, 1994. 39. Vojdani, A., Brautbar, N., Campbell, A., Laboratory tests in aid for diagnosis of silicone induced immunological disorders: a review: Toxicol. and Indust. Health 3:1-19, 1994. 40. Vojdani A., Brautbar N., Campbell A., Antibodies to silicone and native macromolecules in women with silicone breast implants. Immunopharmacol. Immunotoxicol. 16:497-523, 1994. 41. Vojdani A, Brautbar N., Campbell A., Immunologic and biologic markers for silicone. Toxicol. Indust. Health 10:25-41, 1994. 42. Brautbar N., Vojdani A., Industrial exposure to solvents and immune system dysfunction. Hazardous Waste and Public Health, pp. 556-565, 1994. 43. Vojdani, A., Immunological studies on the blood samples of Persian Gulf War veterans and controls. In: Persian Gulf War Illness: Are We Treating Veterans Right, a hearing before the Committee on Veterans affairs United States Senate U.S. Government printing office ISBN O-16-044809-3, 115-125 Washington, 1994. 44. Brautbar N., Campbell A., and Vojdani A.; Silicone breast implants and autoimmunity: causation, association, or myth? J. Biomaterial Science 7:133-145, 1995. 45. Vojdani A., Campbell A.W., Karjoo R., Brautbar N., Neuroimmunologic evaluation of patients with silicone implants. Int. J. of Occup. Med. Toxicol.. 4: 25-62, 1995. 46. Vojdani A., Highlights of the Recent Immunology of Silicone Workshop, National Cancer Institute March 13-14, 1995. Int. J. of Occup. Med. Toxicol. 4: 197-202, 1995. 47. Vojdani, A., Grimes, P., The presence of anti-benzene ring antibodies in patients with vitiligo. Int. J. of Occup. Med. Toxicol. 5:3-10, 1996. 48. Vojdani A., Rahimian P., Kalhor H., Immunological cross-reactivity between Candida albicans and human tissue. Clin. Lab. Immunol. 48:1-15, 1996. 49. Grimes, P., Sevall, J.S., Vojdani, A., Cytomegalovirus DNA identified in skin biopsies of patients with vitiligo. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 35:21-26, 1996. 50. Ghoneum M., Ghonaim M., Namatalla G., Vojdani A., Alamy M., Gill G., El-Bana H., Nafie E., ABD-El-Ghaffer Y., NK cell activity in hepatocellular carcinoma and its relation etiology of the disease. J. Clean Technol. Environ Toxicol & Occup.Med. 5:1-18, 1996. 51. Brautbar N., Vojdani A., Immunologic and clinical aspects of silicone in women with breast implants. In: The Augmented Breast: Radiologic and Clinical Perspective. Gorczyca D.P., Brenner R.J., (eds.) Thieme, New York, pp. 189-205, 1997. 52. Heuser G., Vojdani A., Enhancement of natural killer cell activity and T and B cell function by buffered vitamin C in patients exposed to toxic chemicals: the role of protein kinase-C. Immunopharmacol. Immunotoxicol. 19:291-312, 1997. 53. Vojdani A., Mordechai E., Brautbar N., Abnormal apoptosis and cell cycle progression in humans exposed to methyl tertiary-butyl ether: the role of NF-kB. Human and Experimental Toxicology 16:1-10, 1997. 54. Vojdani A., Ghoneum M., Choppa P., Minimizing cancer risk using molecular techniques: a review. Toxicol. Indust. Health 13:589-626, 1997. 55. Vojdani A., Namatalla G., Enhancement of human natural killer cytotoxic activity by Vitamin C and comparison to its modified formula (ultra potent-C). J. Nutrit. & Environ. Med. 7:187-195, 1997. 56. Vojdani A., Namatalla G., Brautbar N., Methy tertiary-butyl ether antibodies among gasoline service station attendants. New York Academy of Science 837:96-103, 1997. 57. Vojdani A., Choppa P., Magtoto L., Lapp C.W. Elevated apoptotic cell population in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: the pivotal role of PKR. J. Internal Med. 242:465-478, 1997. 58. Ghoneum M., Namatalla G., Banionis A., Oppenheimer, La Goss N., Vojdani A., The effects of carcinogenic methylcholathrene on carbohydrate residues of NK cell. Toxicol. Indust. Health 13:727-741, 1997. 59. Waickman F.J., Vojdani A.; Putting chemical and environmental sensitivities in perspective. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 31:55-67, 1998. 60. Vojdani A., Choppa P.C., Tagle C., Andrin R., Samimi B., Lapp C.W.; Detection of Mycoplasma genus and Mycoplasma fermentans by PCR in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol., 22:355-365, 1998. 61. Choppa P.C., Vojdani A., Multiplex PCR for Detection of Mycoplasma fermentans, hominis and penetrans in cell cultures and in clinical specimens. Mol. Cell. Probes 12:301-308, 1998. 62. Vojdani A., Brautbar N., Contaminated drinking water with MTBE and gasoline: immunological and cellular effects. Eur. J. of Oncol.. 3:191-199, 1998. 63. Vojdani A., Choppa P.C., Lapp C.W., Downregulation of R Nase-L inhibitor correlates with upregulation of interferon-induced proteins (2-5A Synthetase and RNase-L) in patients with chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome. J. Clin. Lab. Immunol. 50:1-16, 1998. 64. Vojdani A., Scientific reality versus hypothesis about mycoplasma Biomedical Therapy 16(4):277-279, 1998. 65. Vojdani A., Lapp C.W., Interferon-induced proteins are elevated in blood samples of patients with chemically or virally-induced chronic fatigue syndrome. Immunopharmacol. Immunotoxicol. 21:175-202, 1999. 66. Vojdani A., Lapp C.W.; The relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome and chemical exposure. J. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 5:207-221, 1999. 67. Vojdani A., Franco A.R.; Multiplex PCR for the detection of Mycoplasma fermentans, M. hominis and M. penetrans in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and Gulf War Syndrome. J. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 5:187-197, 1999. 68. Vojdani A., Single aetiological agent may not be feasible in CFS Patients. J. Internal Med. 245:409-412, 1999. 69. Vojdani A., Immune function assessment. In: Textbook of Natural Medicine. pp. 177-194, Pizzorno J.E., Murray M.T. (eds.) Churchill Livingstone, 1999. 70. Vojdani A., Apoptosis Assessment. In: Textbook of Natural Medicine. pp. 89-96, Pizzorno J.E., Murray M.T. (eds.) Churchill Livingstone, 1999. 71. Vojdani A., Cell Cycle Analysis, In: Textbook of Natural Medicine. pp. 103-106, Pizzorno J.E., Murray M.T. (eds.) Churchill Livingstone, 1999. 72. Vojdani A., Brautbar N., White blood cell DNA adducts and immunological abnormalities in humans exposed to contaminated drinking water containing MTBE. Eur. J. of Oncol. 4:573-578, 1999. 73. Moss R.B., Mercadenti A., Vojdani A., TNF-a and chronic fatigue syndrome. J. Clin. Immunol. 19:314-317, 1999. 74. Vojdani A., Bazargan M., Wright J., Vojdani E., New evidence for anti-oxidant properties of vitamin C. Cancer Detection and Prevention 24:508-523, 2000. 75. Rosenbaum M., Vojdani A., Susser M., Watson C.M., Improved immune activation markers in chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) patients treated with thymic protein A. J. Nutrit. Environ. Med. 11:241-247, 2001. 76. Vojdani A., Campbell A., Anyanwu E., Kashanian A., Bock K., Vojdani E., Antibodies to neuron-specific antigens in children with autism: possible cross-reaction with encephalitogenic proteins from milk, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Streptococcus Group A. J. Neuroimmunol. 129:168-177, 2002. 77. Block K. I., Boyd B., Gonzalez N., Vojdani A., The immune system in cancer. Integrative Cancer Therapies 1:294-316, 2002. 78. Pero R.W., Giampapa V., Vojdani A., Comparison of broad spectrum anti-aging nutritional supplements with and without the addition of DNA repair enhancing cat’s claw extract. J. Anti-Aging Med. 5:345-352, 2002. 79. Anyanwu E.C., Campbell A.W., Vojdani A., Neurophysiological effects of chronic indoor environmental toxic mold exposure on children. The Scientific World Journal 3:281-290, 2003. 80. Vojdani A. A Look at Infectious Agents as a Possible Causative Factor in Cardiovascular Disease: Part II. Lab Med 34(3):7-11, March 2003. 81. Vojdani A. A Look at Infectious Agents as a Possible Causative Factor in Cardiovascular Disease: Part II. Lab Med 34(4):5-9, April 2003. 82. Vojdani A. A Look at Infectious Agents as a Possible Causative Factor in Cardiovascular Disease: Part II. Lab Med 34(5):24-31, May 2003. 83. Bishara J., Pitlik S., Kazakov A., Saharg G., Haddad M., Vojdani A., Rosenberg S., Samra Z., Failure to detect Chlamydia pneumonia by cell culture and PCR in major arteries of 93 patients with atherosclerosis. Eur. J. Clin. Infect. Dis. 22:300-302, 2003. 84. Vojdani A., Vojdani E., Cooper E.L., Antibodies to myelin basic protein, myelin oligodendrocytes peptides, a-b-crystallin, lymphocyte activation and cytokine production in patients with multiple sclerosis. J. Internal Med. 254:363-374, 2003. 85. Vojdani A., Pangborn J.B., Vojdani E., Cooper E.L., Infections, toxic chemicals and dietary peptides binding to lymphocyte receptors and tissue enzymes are major instigators of autoimmunity in autism. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 16, 2003 (In Press). 86. Vojdani A., Cooper E.L., Antibodies against central nervous system antigens in autism: possible cross-reaction with dietary proteins and infectious agent antigens. Neuropsychiatric Disorders (In Press). 87. Vojdani A., Cooper E.L., Identification of diseases that may be targets for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) (In Press). 88. Vojdani A., Vojdani E., Samadi J., Cooper E.L., Heat shock protein and gliadin peptide promote development of peptidase antibodies in children with autism and patients with autoimmune disease. Clin. Diag. Lab. Immunol. (Submitted). 89. Vojdani A., Campbell A., Kashanian A., Vojdani E., Antibodies against molds and mycotoxins after exposure to toxigenic fungi in a water-damaged building. Arch. Environ. Health (Submitted). 90. Vojdani A., Kashanian A., Vojdani E., Campbell A., Saliva secretory IgA antibodies against molds and mycotoxins in patients exposed to toxigenic fungi. Immunopharmacol. Immunotoxicol. 25:595-614, 2003 91. Vojdani A., Vojdani E., Green J.A., O’Bryan T., Nourian A.A., Cooper E.L. Immune response to gliadin and cerebellar peptides in children with autism. Autoimmunity (Submitted). AWARDS AND HONORS Recipient of the Scientific Presentation Award: American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy, 1984. Environmental Protection Agency Grant Award between 1981-1983 on human lymphocyte responses to carcinogenic chemicals. Co-investigator with Dr. Lawrence Alfred. NIH MBRS Grant Award between 1982-1985 on the effects of environmental chemicals on cell mediated immune functions. Principal investigator with Dr. Lawrence Alfred. NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases between 9/30/90 - 3/31/91. Phase I study of binding allergens to liposomes for immunotherapy. 1999 Award by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration’s Office of Research and Development, Washington D.C. to conduct a study on whether a one-year treatment of doxycycline administered to patients with Gulf War illness who are mycoplasma positive, can improve functional status in comparison to similar patients treated with a placebo. Testimony in the U.S Senate: Dr. Vojdani appeared before the US Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs on November 16, 1993 to provide testimony relative to immunological studies on blood samples of Persian Gulf War veterans and controls. His findings indicated that some of the veterans who had been exposed to chemical agents while serving in that war had neuroimmunological disorders. This testimony was instrumental in winning the passage of a law, initiated by Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, Senator J. D. Rockefeller on November 22, 1993 that would provide free medical care to Persian Gulf War veterans. PATENTS 1. United States Patent #4,946,945 was approved on the subject of “Immunotherapy agents for treatment of IgE mediated allergies.” Date of approval: August 7, 1990. 2. United States Patent #5,707,816 was approved on the subject of “Immunological cross-reactivity between candida and human tissue or food antigen.” Date of approval: January 13, 1998. 3. United States Patent #5,766,859 approved on the subject of “Ribonuclease L-inhibitor as an indicator of chronic fatigue syndrome.” Date of approval: June 16, 1998. 4. United States Patent #5,766,69 approved on the subject of “Detection of chronic fatigue syndrome.” Date of approval: July 7, 1998. 5. United States Patent #5,830,668 approved on the subject of “Detection of chronic fatigue syndrome.” Date of approval: November 3, 1998. 6. United States Patent #5,853,996 approved on the subject of “Detection of chronic fatigue syndrome by increased apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of PBMC’s.” Date of approval: December 29, 1998. 7. United States Patent #6,020,205 approved on the subject of “Determination of intracellular antioxidant levels.” Date of approval: February 1, 2000. 8. United States Patent #6,103,480 approved on the subject of “Single blood test for determination of food allergy, candidiasis, microflora imbalance, intestinal barrier dysfunction and humoral immunodeficiencies.” Date of approval: August 15, 2000. 9. United States Patent #6,492,113 B1 approved on the subject of “Detection of mycoplasma genus and species in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.” Date of approval: December 10, 2002. 10. United States Patent #0087320 approved on the subject of a saliva test for “Detection of food allergy, candidiasis, microflora imbalance, intestinal barrier dysfunction and humoral immunodeficiencies.” Date of approval: October 2003. tratto da
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