Recensione di Mark Sircus del libro "Evidence of Harm" Print E-mail

di Mark Sircus Ac., OMD. Medical Veritas,

Dal salone del Congresso americano, all' umile tavolo di Lyn Redwood, presidente di Safeminds, fino alle porte chiuse del meeting clandestino del CDC, questo libro è l' elenco delle persone importanti della comunità autistica ed un giallo sulla più grande e atroce epidemia iatrogena conosciuta.
Il libro è come un giallo poliziesco e un libro di storia allo stesso tempo. Nel leggerlo, come genitore di un bambino con autismo-avvelenamento da mercurio causato dai vaccini, e anche se l'autore indica solo dei fatti senza dare giudizi, mi coprivo spesso la bocca con orrore e dovevo fare delle pause frequenti a causa della "forza" delle informazioni presenti e del ripetuto implicito reminder che "LORO SAPEVANO" e che, quindi, il perpetuarsi di questa tragedia era prevenibile.Nel leggerlo invece come un esperto attivista , sono stato impressionato dai dettagli investigativi presentati dall'autore che hanno suscitato persino il mio interesse.
Infine, leggendo questo libro come membro della comunità autistica, ho apprezzato le storie personali e le ostinate lotte che l'autore condivide con noi e che aggiungono una dimensione di rispetto che tutti noi che conduciamo questa battaglia dovremmo provare.

Il libro non si basa sul sentimentalismo.
Il libro contiene informazioni scientifiche che provano la validità del collegamento autismo-thimerosal.

E il libro contiene molte citazioni si personale governativo e ufficiali del governo che prestano fede al collegamento- anche un rappresentante dell'FDA che condanna l'omissione da parte dell FDA di fare dei semplici calcoli che avrebbero potuto prevenire che moltitudini di bambini venissero avvelenati dal mercurio.
Il libro si pone anche questa domanda:

And HOW did little mercury poisoned, vaccine-injured, disabled
children end up being involved in the rider surreptitiously inserted into
the Homeland Security Bill at the eleventh hour? Evidence of Harm raises
that question, too.

Se voi NON AVETE un bambino affetto da autismo e voi NON SIETE un membro della comunità autistica, perchè dovreste leggere questo libro? Precisamente perchè questo disastro iatrogenico è accaduto sotto gli occhi presumibilmente attenti di qualcuno dei più prestigiosi e degni di fiducia enti pubblici d' america e forse anche del mondo, e quindi dovete sapere quello che è successo.
Se il massiccio avvelenamento di migliaia e migliaia di bambini risulterà essere vero, dovrete pagare coi soldi delle vostre tasse e una diminuita qualità di vita per generazioni di bambini che sono stati avvelenati, hanno avuto danni cerebrali, disfunzioni e sono incapaci avere una vita prodittiva.
E pagherete per programmi medici, educazionali,servizi sociali e servizi per adulti per trattare un alto numero di bambini avvelenati e adulti debilitati.
La VOSTRA salute e la salute dei VOSTRI bambini sono in pericolo, perchè gli stessi agenti pubblici che stavano dormendo o che hanno cercato di coprire la più grande tragedia iatrogenica sono ancora protetti, e stanno ancora proteggendo le potenti compagnie farmaceutiche che pesano gravemente su questo affare.
I paesi affetti da questa catastrofe non saranno più gli stessi: il patrimonio intellettuale è stato depredato e il futuro per questi bambini e questi paesi non potrà più essere lo stesso.
Questo libro fornisce le prove di questo evitabile disastro a tutti gli americani e al mondo intero.

ps la CDC ha fatto una dichiarazione ufficiale sul libro...sono molto delicati e rispettosi...come mai? sentono il fuoco che inizia a circondarli??eccola, scusate ma non la traduco:
CDC Issues Response To Book Expose of Mercury-Vaccine 'Whitewash'

From Stephen L. Cochi, Acting Director, National Immunization Program,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for internal distribution.

This message is to inform you of the release of a new book entitled
"'Evidence of Harm, Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical
Controversy," authored by David Kirby, a journalist and freelance writer.
The book is a "look back" at issues related to thimerosal and vaccines - and
is primarily written from the perspective of people who believe there is an
association between vaccines and autism. Mr. Kirby is on a media tour to
promote the book, a schedule of which can be found at
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are an urgent public health issue,
and affect the lives of too many families. Parents and families who have
children affected by ASD are understandably interested in finding the causes
of this lifelong disability. We appreciate the concern of parents of
children with autism and their desire for information about its cause and
treatment. We are dedicated to understanding better the biological,
environmental, and gene-environmental causes of autism and other
developmental disabilities. There is much that remains unknown about
autism. However, we do know that early identification and intervention can
help improve children's outcomes. CDC continues to support research related
to autism, including studies designed to examine the possible causal
association between autism and other possible environmental causes,
including thimerosal-containing vaccines.
We at CDC are in the process of reviewing Mr. Kirby's book in detail,
but the general issues raised in the book have already been extensively
examined, including by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in the past few
years. As the IOM concluded in a recent report, the vast majority of
studies, which have involved hundreds of thousands of children in a number
of countries, have failed to find any association between exposure to
thimerosal in vaccines and autism; that is, they have failed to find any
evidence of harm.
CDC places a high priority on vaccine safety and the integrity and
credibility of its vaccine safety research. We welcome attention and
interest on vaccine safety. The public should expect safe vaccines, and the
public is entitled to safe vaccines. CDC is committed to monitoring and
ensuring vaccine safety. We carefully evaluate allegations of harmful
vaccine effects and are prepared to adjust our policies if allegations prove
scientifically valid.
Given the historical nature of the book, it is important to emphasize
that today, with the exception of some influenza (flu) vaccines, none of the
vaccines used in the U.S. to protect preschool children against 12
infectious diseases contain thimerosal as a preservative. Though some flu
vaccines contain thimerosal as a preservative, preservative free, reduced
thimerosal-content influenza vaccines are also available for use in infants,
with the supply expected to increase significantly for the coming next
CDC and a number of agencies within the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) have responded to concerns related to the use of thimerosal
as a preservative in some of the recommended childhood vaccines. All
supported, as a proactive and precautionary measure, efforts to remove, as
quickly as possible, the use of thimerosal as a preservative in childhood
vaccines. CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have funded
studies to assess the health effects of thimerosal as well as assess whether
there is an association between thimerosal and autism, learning or
developmental disabilities, and other adverse health outcomes. Research in
these areas is ongoing. CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have
encouraged vaccine manufacturers in their efforts to remove thimerosal as a
preservative as fast as possible, and FDA has facilitated the review and
licensing of thimerosal preservative-free vaccines.

To assist you [CDC officials] in addressing questions generated by the
release of "Evidence of Harm", we want to remind you of these resources and
provide you with additional talking points:
Information about mercury and vaccines can be obtained at
Information about autism can be obtained at
(keep in mind that April is Autism Awareness Month!)
* * *



Text Box: Evidence of Harm delves into the scientific, political,
bureaucratic, legal, and personal aspects involved in the Thimerosal-autism
question, weaving them together in a riveting tapestry that will hold the
interest of parents of newly diagnosed children, seasoned advocates, and
members of the general public.
This book is a must-read for relatives, educators, legislators, and
medical practitioners who are not familiar with many of the challenges that
children who are diagnosed with autism and their parents must face.
Evidence of Harm is a powerful historical account that captures and
exposes the debacle that has been wrought upon innumerable children.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

"Must Read" Evidence of Harm
Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy
by David Kirby

Reviewed by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD. Medical Veritas,

From the halls of Congress, to the kitchen table of SafeMinds
president, Lyn Redwood, to behind the closed doors of the clandestine CDC
Simpsonwood meeting, Evidence of Harm is a Who's Who of the autism advocacy
community and a Whodunnit of the most heinous and far-reaching iatrogenic
epidemic known to modern man.
This book reads like a detective novel and a history book all at once.
Reading this book as the parent of a child with vaccine-induced
autism/mercury poisoning, and even though Mr. Kirby states facts and makes
no judgment, I was constantly covering my mouth with horror and needing to
take frequent breaks due to the intensity of the information presented and
the repeated implicit reminder that "THEY KNEW" and that, hence, the
perpetuation of this tragedy was preventable.
Reading this book as a seasoned advocate, I was impressed at the
investigative detail presented by Mr. Kirby that held even my interest.
Lastly, reading this book as a member of the autism advocacy
community, I appreciated the personal stories and tenacious struggles that
Mr. Kirby shared about others in the autism advocacy community, which adds a
dimension to the respect that all of us waging this sustained battle should
feel towards one another.

This book does not rest on sentimentality.
This book contains scientific information substantiating the validity
of a Thimerosal-autism connection.
And this book contains numerous quotes from agency personnel and
government officials lending credence to the connection - even an FDA
official condemning the FDA's failure to do simple high school algebra that
could have prevented multitudes of infants from being mercury poisoned.
And HOW did little mercury poisoned, vaccine-injured, disabled
children end up being involved in the rider surreptitiously inserted into
the Homeland Security Bill at the eleventh hour? Evidence of Harm raises
that question, too.

If you DON'T have an affected child and you're NOT a member of the
autism advocacy community, why should you read this book? Precisely because
this iatrogenic debacle occurred under the allegedly watchful eyes of some
of America's - even the world's most prestigious and trusted public
agencies, you must be aware of what has happened.
If the mass poisoning of thousands upon thousands of children is found
to be true, you have paid with your tax dollars and votes for agencies and
officials that have let you down.
You have paid and will continue to pay with your tax dollars and
diminished quality of life for generations of children who are poisoned,
brain-damaged, dysfunctional, and maladapted to productive living in our
You are paying for medical, educational, social service, and adult
service programs to handle a vast number of poisoned youths and debilitated
YOUR health and the health of YOUR children are in jeopardy, because
the same agencies and public servants who were "asleep at the switch" or
that tried to cover up the largest iatrogenic tragedy wrought upon America
and the world are still in control, are still being protected, and are still
protecting the powerful pharmaceutical companies that weigh in heavily on
Capitol Hill.
Countries affected by this catastrophe will never be the same: the
intellectual heritage has been plundered and the future for these children
and these countries cannot ever be the same.
Evidence of Harm provides substantiation of this preventable disaster
to all Americans and the world.

Text Box: Evidence of Harm delves into the scientific, political,
bureaucratic, legal, and personal aspects involved in the Thimerosal-autism
question, weaving them together in a riveting tapestry that will hold the
interest of parents of newly diagnosed children, seasoned advocates, and
members of the general public.
This book is a must-read for relatives, educators, legislators, and
medical practitioners who are not familiar with many of the challenges that
children who are diagnosed with autism and their parents must face.
Evidence of Harm is a powerful historical account that captures and
exposes the debacle that has been wrought upon innumerable children.