Francesca Degli Espinosa Stampa E-mail

Negli ultimi dodici anni ho lavorato con piú di cento bambini e giovani adulti e le loro rispettive famiglie. Sotto segue un breve riassunto della mia esperienza lavorativa e qualifiche accademiche.



2004 ad oggi. Consulente ABA. Pratica privata.

2005. Lettore associato Psicologia dell' etá evolutiva, University College Winchester, UK.

2001 - 2004. Senior Supervisor, School of Psychology, University of Southampton, UK. Responsabile per la direzione clinica del progetto di ricerca SCAmP (Southampton Childhood Autism Programme). Supervisione: Professor Bob Remington, Ph.D., ed Erik Jahr.

2000-2001. Senior Supervisor, PEACH (Parents for the Early Intervention of Autism in Children), UK. Supervisione: Dr.ssa Anne Maxwell, Ph.D.

1999 - 2000. Senior Supervisor con seguente qualifica di controllo qualità come Level 2 Therapist (Supervisore di Livello 2). Internato presso il PEACH Young Autism Project (oggi rinominato UK-YAP) parte del UCLA Multi-Site Project diretto dal Prof. Lovaas e Dr. Smith. Supervisione di Diane Hayward, Dr. Eikeseth, Ph.D., ed Erik Jahr.

1996 - 1999. Tutor/Senior Tutor ABA per famiglie, sotto supervisione di CARD (Center for Autism and Related Disorders).



2003 ad oggi. Dottorato in Analisi Comportamentale (Ph.D.), University of Southampton, UK.

2002. Certificazione Analista comportamentale (BC ABA ) presso la Commissione per la Certificazione di Analisti Comportamentali ( BACB- Behavior Analyst Certification Board ).

1999. Laurea con Lode in Psicologia: Goldsmith College, University of London, UK.



Charman, T., Howlin, P., Aldred, C., Baird, G., degli Espinosa, F., Diggle, T., Kovshoff, H., Law, J., Le Couteur, A., MacNiven, J., Magiati, I., Martin, N., McConachie, H., Peacock, S., Pickles, A., Randle, V., Slonims, V., Wolke, D. (2001). Research into early intervention for children with autism and related disorders: methodological and design issues. Report on a workshop funded by the Wellcome Trust, Institute of Child Health , London , UK , November 2001. Autism, 7, 217-225.

Hastings, R. P., Kovshoff, H., Brown, T., Ward, N. J., degli Espinosa, F., & Remington, B. (in press). Coping strategies in mothers and fathers of pre-school and school age children with autism. Autism .

Hastings , R. P., Kovshoff, H., Ward, N. J., degli Espinosa, F., Brown, T., & Remington, B. (in press). Systems analysis of stress and positive perceptions in mothers and fathers of pre-school children with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders .

Jahr, E., & degli Espinosa, F. (in preparation) Recovery from autism following intensive and long-term behavioural treatment

Remington, R., Hastings, R., Kovshoff, H., degli Espinosa, F ., Jahr, E., Brown, T., Filby, P., Lemaic, M., & Ward, N. (in press). A field effectiveness study of early intensive behavioral intervention: Outcomes for children with autism and their parents after two years. American Journal on Mental Retardation.


degli Espinosa, F., Remington, B. The role of Joint Control in generalised listener responding, 34 th Annual Convention for Applied Behavior Analysis (2007), San Diego, CA, USA.

degli Espinosa, F., Remington, B., Jahr, E., Kovshoff, H., Hastings R., Filby, P., Lemaic, M., Development and validation of a standardised curriculum for early behavioural intervention. 32nd Annual Convention for Applied Behavior Analysis (2005), Chicago , IL , USA .

Hastings, R., Remington, R., Kovshoff, H., degli Espinosa, F., Jahr, E., Brown, T., Filby, P., Lemaic, M., & Ward, N. 2004. Outcomes for families of children with autism in Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention. 12th World Congress of the International Association for the Study of Intellectual Disability, Montpellier , France .

Kovshoff, H., Hastings, R., Remington, R., degli Espinosa, F., Jahr, E., Brown, T., Filby, P., Lemaic, M., & Ward, N. 2004. Clinical significance of outcome after 12 months in Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention . 12th World Congress of the International Association for the Study of Intellectual Disability, Montpellier , France .

Remington, B., Hastings, R., degli Espinosa, F., Kovshoff, H., Jahr, E., & Brown, T. 2004. The Southampton Childhood Autism Programme (SCAmP): The pleasures and pitfalls of public sector programmes . 12th World Congress of the International Association for the Study of Intellectual Disability, Montpellier , France .



degli Espinosa, F. (2003). Applied Behaviour Analysis and Autism. ASL Firenze.

degli Espinosa, F. (2005) Applied Behaviour Analysis and Autism". Palermo. Convegno: "Perché Autistico". AGSAS.

degli Espinosa, F. (2005) Practical and Curriculum Considerations in setting up a Home-based Behavioural Programme. Workshop presentato al Trinity College, Dublin.

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