Primo studio sull' efficacia di vitamine/minerali nell'autismo Print E-mail

È stato pubblicato un nuovo importante studio il cui testo completo potete leggere a:è in doppio cieco, credo che dovrebbe piacere persino al messere!

Dall'autore dello studio, J. Adams: il nostro primo studio sui supplementi di vitamine e minerali per i bambini con autismo è stato appena pubblicato, il testo completo si può leggere a: contento di questo articolo perché è il primo che accerta i benefici di supplementi multivitamine/minerali per i bambini con autismo.
Inoltre è il primo studio che misura i livelli della B6 nelle persone con autismo contro i controlli, e il sorprendente ritrovamento di alti livelli di B6 suggerisce che le persone con autismo non possono convertire la B6 nella sua forma attiva, il P5P.


Adams JB, Holloway C.

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Obiettivo: determinare l'effetto di supplementi multivitamine /minerali in bambini con autismo

Design:studio di 3 mesi, randizzato, in doppio cieco,placebo.controlled
Resultsun questionario per i genitori riporta che il gruppo che ha usato i supplementi ha trovato miglioramenti nel sonno e nei problemi gastrointestinali.

Discussion: il ritrovamento di alti livelli di b6 è coerente coi recenti riporti di bassi livelli di pyridoxal-5-phosphatee bassa attività di pyridoxal kinase ( il pyridoxal è poco convertito in pyridoxal-5-phosphate, la sua forma enzimatica). Questo spiega il bisogno funzionale di alte dosi di vitamina b6 in molti bambini e adulti con autismo

Re: study on vitamin/mineral supplements for autism

Our first study on vitamin/mineral supplements for children with autism has
just been published. The abstract is below, and the full text is available
from my website,

I am especially excited about this article as it is the first one to assess
the benefits of a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement for children with autism.

Also, it was the first study to measure the level of vitamin B6 in people
with autism vs. controls, and the surprising finding of high levels of B6
suggest that some people with autism cannot easily convert vitamin B6 to the
active form, PLP. This may explain why some children and adults with autism
benefit from high-dose vitamin B6.

I would like to point out that this study was supported in part by the
Greater Phoenix Chapter of the ASA and by FEAT-Tucson.

We hope to start advertising our second study in 4-6 weeks. The second study
will involve full pre/post testing of all vitamins/minerals, and the use of
an improved supplement with high-dose vitamin B6.


Pilot study of a moderate dose multivitamin/mineral supplement for children
with autistic spectrum disorder.

Adams JB, Holloway C.

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Objective: Determine the effect of a moderate dose multivitamin/mineral
supplement on children with autistic spectrum disorder.

Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 3-month study.

Subjects: Twenty (20) children with autistic spectrum disorder, ages 3-8

Results: A Global Impressions parental questionnaire found that the
supplement group reported statistically significant improvements in sleep
and gastrointestinal problems compared to the placebo group. An evaluation
of vitamin B(6) levels prior to the study found that the autistic children
had substantially elevated levels of B6 compared to a control group of
typical children (75% higher, p < 0.0000001). Vitamin C levels were measured
at the end of the study, and the placebo group had levels that were
significantly below average for typical children, whereas the supplement
group had near-average levels.

Discussion: The finding of high vitamin B(6) levels is consistent with
recent reports of low levels of pyridoxal-5-phosphate and low activity of
pyridoxal kinase (i.e., pyridoxal is only poorly converted to pyridoxal-
5-phosphate, the enzymatically active form). This may explain the functional
need for high-dose vitamin B(6) supplementation in many children and adults
with autism.

J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Dec;10(6):1033-9.[url]