Recovery |
Tratto da http:\\ When I first read Catherine Maurice's "Let Me Hear Your Voice," We now have him in a private pre-K with a constant shadow that we pay for. It has become very expensive for us, but we are trying to keep our focus on providing him the most we can these early years. I think being around NT kids in a regular classroom has helped him so much. I know he could not have done it on his own (especially in the beginning) without a shadow but hopefully in the next couple of years we will be able to fade the shadow (teacher assistant) out. Andrew still needs the one-on-one therapy to close the gaps where his delays are concerned. If only time would stand still, we might could catch up. We still deal with some behaviors and idiosyncrasies but it is so much better. We are currently trying to " recover " little things to help him along. We use the ABLLS, the Brigance, the ABA curriculum book (Catherine Maurice inspired) to judge where he is at and where we should go next. We are really a team- parents and therapists. It can be an odd relationship but we all want the same thing--to help Andrew reach his potential. Sometimes more personalities with different techniques can create a better program. "This next section was written in the spring of 2001 and I wanted to keep it on the site to help anyone understand what was going on when he was 3 years old." What I have tried to do on this page is to include some information and links that may help you understand what other families and researchers are doing to "recover" autistic spectrum children. I don't know why some children do not recover, but I do know that there are too many children being diagnosed and even one child that is not recovered is one too many. As parents, all we can do is to help our children to do the best they can with what they have. I know that I may not be able to "recover" my child totally, but I will fight the damage that has been to my son as long as I have a breath in my body. For me "recovery" is a multifaceted ideal. We "recover" Andrew from new things every week. He might be playing inappropriately with the musical flute/recorder (taking the top off and on). We work with him on how to play with it appropriately and that is a small problem we have "recovered." We take him out and expose him to different sounds, lights, and activities so that we can help him to get used to dealing with things that might bother his senses (was real hard at first with people staring and making comments about his behavior but he has improved so much. We try not to do too much in a routine way so that he can get used to change (this has been hard but he is doing well with it). We are not trying to make him into a robot or to torture him. We are basically trying to help him prepare for the world that he will be exposed to. In the end he will hopefully have reached his greatest potential and be the happiest and most successful that he can be. No matter what, we will love him and appreciate him like no other. I encourage you to find a good doctor, preferably someone with knowledge of the DAN (Defeat Autism Now) protocol. Have them run tests on your child to check for things you would feel comfortable with such as: fragileX, amino acids, metals, intestinal permeability, candida, yeast, mercury toxicity, food allergies, viruses, vitamin & mineral deficiences, and such. Most, if not all, of our kids have medical/biological problems that need to be addressed; read a great paper about medical/biological problems in our children. Check out what the Pfeiffer Treatment Center has to say about Metallothinonein (MT) and Autism (supposedly affects 99% of our ASD kids). I would also suggest that you order the DAN protocol for yourself. While you are trying to heal your child's immune system and gut, start with the therapy that will help catch them up developmentally ( ABA, Speech, VB, OT, PT, Supplements, etc..). Check out my BioMedical Page for more information and links.
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